What Are Prebiotics for Digestive Health?

What Are Prebiotics for Digestive Health?

Bacteria in your gut are living beings, and they need to eat. Harmful bacteria like to dine on sugary and processed foods that cause inflammation, digestive issues, and weight gain. Beneficial bacteria like to chow down on plant-based foods such as fruits, veggies, lentils, and whole grains. Many of These superfoods are known as prebiotics, and they're the key to promoting good gut bacteria and experiencing the health benefits of a diverse microbiome.

Quick Intro to the Microbiome

The human gut microbiome consists of trillions of microorganisms (microbes), including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and more. Bacteria are some of the most influential and most abundant of these microbes.

Friendly bacteria provide a wealth of benefits, from helping with the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food sources to regulating blood sugar and energy levels to fighting off pathogens that could comprise the immune system. The list goes on, really.

That's a lot of work. Even Popeye needs his spinach. Good bacteria need energy to keep the train going. Like humans, gut bacteria get their energy from food. Like we must rely on our environment (animals and plants) for food, gut bacteria rely on our foods or supplements.

Each type of bacteria plays a different role in the body. That's why a diverse microbiome is essential for optimizing your health. The most efficient way to achieve these goals is through microbiome testing, probiotics, prebiotics, and prebiotic foods.

What Are Prebiotics vs Probiotics?

Probiotics are living bacteria or yeasts. They are used to optimize the gut ecosystem and  integrate healthy bacteria in your gut to provide a specific health benefit. You can take probiotic supplements like Ombre. We have clinically-backed strains that offer specific health benefits.

You can also consume probiotic-rich foods and drinks. Fermented foods, like kraut, kimchi, and pickles are excellent additions to any meal. Tofu and tempeh are protein-rich powerhouses for vegan-based probiotic foods. Plus, beverages like kefir and kombucha are thirst-quenching and gut-replenishing treats.

Prebiotics are special plant fibers commonly found in your fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These carbs are dietary fibers that our bodies can't digest. Therefore, our gut bacteria eat them up. In fact, our gut bacteria even thank us, which we'll get to in a bit.

You can also take prebiotic supplements like Ombre Rise. Unlike most dietary fiber powders, Rise contains well-tolerated prebiotics. It is backed by science to not induce bloating and cramping. Instead, Rise provides comfort and regularity for you...and diversity for your gut.

How Do You Know if You Need Probiotics and Prebiotics?

When harmful bacteria have overtaken the digestive system, you may become aware of imbalances due to:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Leaky Gut
  • Brain fog/anxiety
  • Frequent colds, susceptible to flu
  • High triglycerides/LDL cholesterol levels
  • Autoimmunity flares and food sensitivities
  • Sleep problems and trouble focusing
  • Hair and skin issues
  • So much more

When pathogens are overly abundant, your immune system goes into overdrive. The immune system triggers inflammation. Inflammation is meant to target pathogens.

However, the typical Western Diet tends to fan these flames by feeding harmful bacteria omega-heavy vegetable oils, sugary drinks, and preservative-laden snacks. This lifestyle promotes harmful bacteria growth in four crucial ways.

  1. They're inflammatory foods that promote chronic inflammation, which destroys beneficial bacteria
  2. They starve out healthy bacteria who don't crave these foods
  3. They feed opportunistic bacteria that can increase inflammation and want to take over the microbiome
  4. They're full of ingredients that are addictive and cause us (and our gut bacteria) to crave more.

The other way to reclaim your gut health is to create diversity among your microbiota. First, you should perform a Gut Health Test.

This easy at-home test will provide you with insights into deficiencies in your gut. You can learn which bacteria need improvement, and which bacteria have become problematic. With that information, you can learn which probiotic supplement is best to help promote the balance that your microbiome needs.

How Do Prebiotics and Probiotics Work?

Optimizing your gut is a three-step process, but not performed in a linear fashion. Bear with us!

  1. Prebiotics - Feed healthy gut bacteria
  2. Probiotics - Optimize the gut environment 
  3. Postbiotics - Heal the gut

The first step starts with #2...literally. Collect a rice-sized fecal sample and mail it to our lab to receive a personalized microbiome report. Then, you can determine the right probiotic match for you.

In the meantime, you must start nourishing the good gut bacteria you already have with prebiotic foods and Ombre Rise.

You need to feed beneficial bacteria first because they are the foundation of a healthy gut. Like all living beings, probiotic bacteria must produce byproducts (or waste). When probiotics consume prebiotics, it causes probiotics to produce various beneficial byproducts, such as:

  • Short-chain fatty acids - Energize intestinal cells to help heal the gut lining
  • Digestive enzymes - Helps break down carbohydrates and boosts nutrient absorption
  • B-Vitamins - Energizes healthy cells to optimize their functioning
  • Serotonin - Joy molecule that also supports focus, memory, and healthy sleep patterns

And so much more. That is why it's so crucial that you feed probiotics with prebiotics to produce postbiotics. The best way to achieve this is by joining the Ombre Gut Health Program.

During your first month, you will get a Gut Health Test and Ombre Rise to kickstart your gut health journey. Then, you will receive your personalized microbiome report and targeted probiotic recommendation to help you meet your wellness goals!

During National Wellness Month, Rise is 25% off! Use this code at checkout: wellnessrise 


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