Recover Elegantly: Why Compression Therapy Is Gaining Popularity As A Recovery Technique
Compression therapy is a natural way to alleviate pain, improve skin health, and boost heart health. Plus, you can wear funky socks!
The human body can endure grueling workout sessions. However, while our muscles are pumping and our heart is racing, we cannot really predict the wear and tear that is going on inside our body. It is not until we cool off when we can feel that our muscles are screaming for a recovery session. Instead of turning to long-term medications that destroy your gut health, you might want to consider compression therapy (CT).
Compression Therapy (CT) has changed the realm of restoration and recovery. This holistic form of self-care boosts the recovery process. Using CT reduces the potential downtime of athletes, allowing them to get back into the game quicker. Before we get into the benefits of compression therapy, let’s get a rudimentary understanding of the phenomenon.
The Science Behind Compression Therapy Explained
Specific parts of the human body fatigue after intense workout sessions because of the build-up of unwanted fluids, such as lactic acid. These fluids are a result of anaerobic respiration, which occurs when the oxygen supply to our cells cannot keep up with the amount of energy required by our body. Hence, the oxygen-deficient respiration takes place.

Recovery periods were longer traditionally because the body naturally cannot flush out these unwanted fluids from fatigued parts. This downfall to intense exercise is where compression therapy comes in.
CT involves the use of innovative compression devices such as socks or inflatable boots, which facilitate the circulation of fluids. These devices can be rhythmically inflated or deflated so that the cardiac system within our body can be assisted in moving the fluids from the worn-out limbs back to the circulatory system.
One study involving the benefits of compression therapy found,
“Compression stockings exerting a pressure of ~20 mmHg on the distal leg are able to increase venous blood flow velocity in the supine position and to prevent leg swelling after prolonged sitting and standing… Compression is a cornerstone in the management of venous and lymphatic insufficiency 1.”– Ann Vasc Dis.
With CT, you can follow remove these unwanted fluids from your circulatory system. Ultimately, this will prevent inflammation that can destroy your gut health.
Compression devices are the most important element of CT, and should only be sought from certified suppliers such as FactoryDirectMedical.The Benefits of Compression Therapy

Apart from the benefits in recovery, compression therapy has known to support wellness in the face of other diseases that involves limb pain. In some instances, compression therapy offers a comprehensive remedy.
Chronic Venous Disease
Since CT serves as a catalyst for boost fluid circulation, its target area is our veins. If our veins have restricted blood circulation, then pain in the lower limbs can become frequent. People suffering from this condition are known to have chronic venous disease 2.
During chronic venous disease, the pressure sustained by the leg veins causes the valves to stop pumping fluids efficiently. Therefore, blood doesn’t pump back to the heart, ultimately weakening heart health.
Pain Relief
Continous buildup of toxins and fluids can lead to heavy periods of fatigue and sudden outbreaks of pain. In this situation, CT is an amazing remedy for reducing aches.
It also effectively assists the veins in pumping fluids out of the limb area. This blood carries immune cells and antioxidants that promote healing.
Skin Health
Getting the blood pumping is also essential for skin health. Pooled areas of fluids leave the skin bloated and clammy. Improving circulation can prevent aging your skin prematurely.Also, compression therapy helps prevent inflammation 3. Inflammation destroys whatever it touches, including skin cells. Therefore, your skin might lose its vitality and elasticity.
How Often Should You Use Compression Therapy?
Compression therapy frequency is dependent on the nature of the physical activity that you undertake. If there are frequent intensive workouts within your routine, then spending 20-30 minutes in compression therapy every day can assist in circulation, and alleviate pain build-up.

The best thing about this therapy is that it is a non-invasive procedure. CT naturally aids the body to recover without surgery or medicine.
That’s why we believe compression therapy is an excellent addition to any gut health routine. Circulation improves all aspects of the body, including the gut biome.
Using compression therapy may take the burden off your immune cells, so they can focus on other important tasks. It also alleviates inflammation that may destroy your gut bacteria.
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- 1 Partsch H. (2012). Compression therapy: clinical and experimental evidence. Annals of vascular diseases, 5(4), 416–422. https://doi.org/10.3400/avd.ra.12.00068.
- 2 Andreozzi GM, Cordova RM, Scomparin A, et al. Quality of life in chronic venous insufficiency. An Italian pilot study of the Triveneto Region. Int Angiol. 2005;24(3):272‐277.
- 3 Sibbald RG, Contreras-Ruiz J, Coutts P, Fierheller M, Rothman A, Woo K. Bacteriology, inflammation, and healing: a study of nanocrystalline silver dressings in chronic venous leg ulcers. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2007;20(10):549‐558. doi:10.1097/01.ASW.0000294757.05049.85.